
2 Week Unlimited First Time Trial $55

Unlimited classes for 2 weeks for new customers, one time only


3 Months Unlimited Spring to Solstice Challenge $300

Unlimited classes for 3 months for new customers to join our Spring to Solstice Challenge

Unlimited Monthly Membership



Does not auto renew. Good for 30 days.

Unlimited Monthly Membership



Auto-renew each month. May cancel with minimum of 15 days notice prior to next billing date. Option to keep current pricing for $5/month ‘hold’ rather than cancelling.

Unlimited Monthly Membership

12 Months Paid Upfront


5 Class Pack


10 Class Pack


Single Class


Per Class

Unlimited Yoga + 5 Sauna & Cold Plunge Sessions


Gift Card

Choose your amount

Unlimited Yoga + Unlimited Sauna & Cold Plunge


Special Offerings

Monthly Unlimited $100/month for Students, Healthcare/1st Responders & Teachers

Sold in-Studio or by phone